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Days of Innocence (The Firsts Book 13) Page 12

  A hand slid down to press between her legs, hidden by her jacket. Rodney’s feelings blasted back, sexual need twined with anger. He didn’t welcome this intrusion.

  She didn’t care. When this was over, she was going to hunt him down and take him. He’d be her first, everything she wanted and needed, and he would not be able to say no. So she turned away from him, a little angry herself at his response, and even more turned on.


  Brigitte’s voice intruded on her as unexpectedly as her own intrusion had been for Rodney. Shani faced her, surprised when Brigitte looked thunderstruck.

  Quietly, moving close, Brigitte spoke to her sister through clenched teeth. “My God, what did you do? I can feel power and sexual energy pulsing in you. What did you do?”

  Shani had no answer. She wasn’t ready to share this, even with Brigitte. But she wasn’t getting out of it, either. Brigitte shared an unbreakable bond with Shani.

  “Tell me, my sister, before you get into trouble.”

  “I just… I’m just playing around a little with the new talent.”

  “Holy shit, sis. I can feel your energy. Who the hell did you send that to?”

  “Can I share with you later? Please, Bridge, I’m still getting used to this myself.”

  Seconds passed before Brigitte nodded. “But you’ll tell me if you need me?”


  Shaking her head, Brigitte walked over to get a bottle of Tassel to quench her thirst before they started again. The results and repercussions of this journey were going to be so much bigger than any of them had ever imagined.

  She watched Caedmon stretch his left leg out as he massaged his thigh. Several feet away, alone on a log, Crezia sat silently nursing a bottle of Tassel, her eyes occasionally lifting to look at the diverse people that surrounded her. Even without Shani’s strong empathic skill, she could feel Crezia’s detachment. That would change after this. She planned on spending time with her in Boston.

  Without realizing it, she found her eyes moving from face to face. Who did her sister have the hots for? It had to be someone outside their community in Africa, she’d never felt that kind of intensity from Shani before.

  Bryson? With that long blonde hair and built like a Greek God, he was certainly enticing. Caedmon was so handsome, his manner kind and loving, his body getting stronger now. How can any girl not fall in love with him? It couldn’t be the Totems, they were attractive, but older, and didn’t seem interested at all in the vampire children in that way. Continuing around the circle, she moved out further to the soldiers who stood silently watching for any threat.

  She knew instantly when her eyes landed on the back of the ripped, sexy man who had watched over them all from childhood whenever they visited France. His back was rigid, and she could feel the sexual frustration blowing off him like hot smoke. Her eyes shot to Shani. Oh, sister, what are you doing to that man?

  Shani’s head raised quickly, her eyes seeking Brigitte.

  Brigitte saw frustration and a little bit of shame in them, but no regret. When Shani smiled a second later, and shrugged, Brigitte returned the smile. Yep, things were changing all right!

  Eras called everyone close. “Ife, fill us in.”

  Ife pushed her hair off her forehead, moist with sweat from the mental merge with Talib. “I contacted a girl who is trapped with the others in the cage.” Her eyes went to Dhole. “Her name is Su’ad.”

  “Kalia’s daughter,” he whispered.

  “Yes. She is well and so are all the others, and she knows now that we are coming for them. None of the children have spoken to the people who hold them, but she is concerned. She believes that they will be taken far away soon, so we must make it no later than tomorrow.”

  “If we could but take a vehicle.” Dhole’s frustration showed.

  “We cannot track them like that. This path is a straight line between where they are and where we are and it is in the middle of this forest. May I ask you, Dhole, why is there a warehouse hidden amongst the trees?”

  “I know what you speak of. We never found the location, but we knew that drug runners used several locations in these mountains to produce and store product for transport. There will be a landing strip not too far from the warehouse. It is all hidden from the sky.”

  “Well, that is where they are. She mentioned guns.”

  Rodney took note that these rescuers would likely have armed resistance. His alert for the safety of this group peaked. One look from him to each of his team warned them to kick up their vigilance.

  “We have a good three hours before we are even in the vicinity and if the terrain allows us to pass.”

  “Then we need to get moving again.” Caedmon pushed himself up from the log effortlessly. He searched for Crezia, who he found watching him. “Your magic is still working, Miss Boston.”

  “I’m overjoyed,” she replied, the look on her face confirming it. She had the gift of healing! Her family was going to be so proud of her.

  “Off we go,” Eras announced.

  An hour later, they all stood quietly and looked at the deep ravine that cut through their path. Its width ran as far on either side as they could see, the trek down its side a good 80 degree incline.

  “How the hell are we going to get past this?” Bryson and Fia barked almost simultaneously.

  “We rappel,” Rodney answered. “I looked at the map, there’s no way around it for miles.”

  “Uh, okay, that sounds doable.” Eras supplied as he leaned out over the chasm. “Except don’t we need ropes?”

  “We have ropes. Five of them. We’ll go down in teams of five, and as soon as the previous team is clear, the next one goes. You’re all young and strong, you can do this.” His eyes went to Caedmon. “Caed, how are your legs feeling? Do you think that you can make this climb down and then back up again? Would it be better if you waited here?”

  “I’m going. So far, I’ve held up to everything we’ve been through.”

  Crezia moved through the group and walked up next to him. “I’ll go down with him. If he needs anything, I’ll be there to help.”

  “He goes with me, too,” Eras demanded. “And we go first. If there are any complications, I want to be the one to find them. If anyone has trouble with coming down, I’ll be there to help.”

  “Good plan,” Rodney agreed. “The first team, then, will be Eras, Caed, Crezia, Dhole, and Fia.”

  “I can’t wait,” Fia stated, and watched as Rodney’s men pulled thin ropes from their packs. While the ropes were only half an inch in diameter, they were made from an unbreakable fiber manufactured five years ago, designed specifically for items that needed to be portable and lightweight but strong.

  “They’re all secured, sir,” Ben told Rodney.

  “Thank you. Okay, let me show you how this is done.”

  Ten minutes of lessons brought nods and grunts, but everyone agreed that the technique was simple.

  “You’ll get the hang of it quickly. Just take your time. The primary goal is that everyone gets down safely.”

  Rodney watched as Eras, then the other four in the first team slowly lowered over the edge. He noticed that the remaining first bloods stood close to the edge, their hands out at their sides. He could feel a wave of power blow from them. They were ready, in case one of the five lost footing or began to fall. All he could do was pray it went well and if it didn’t, that their power would work.

  Shani’s attention was laser-focused on her brother and the others. Rodney could see the stress in her face as she watched them struggling to get down the side of this nearly vertical rockface. He cared about each and every person in this party, all of them under his care as far as he was concerned, all of them precious and his responsibility. Try as he could to keep from a focused terror in his belly for Shani’s safety, he was unsuccessful. They all mattered, but she had wormed her way into his heart.

  He hadn’t admitted that to himself until now; until he knew she wa
s in danger. And she would be assigned to go over the edge when he did, nothing would change that.

  The going was slow at first. The concern for Caedmon’s physical condition was allayed when they saw him bouncing down the incline, calling out, thrilled, as he dropped. The others adjusted quickly too, and in no time at all, they were at the bottom. All except the Totem began to do some crazy dance motion.

  “Come on in, the water’s fine!” Eras called up to them.

  “Outstanding. I can see you guys will adapt easily. Next team…”

  Rodney sent down the remaining 2 Totems, 1 of his men, and 2 more first bloods. A third group finished off the first bloods except for Shani.

  Standing alone as five of her companions went over the edge, Shani caught Rodney’s eye.

  “What?” he said, moving his gaze back to the descending group. “You’re going down with me.”

  Walking up behind him, she knelt beside him and peered over the edge. “I want to go down with you,” she whispered.

  He nearly fell over as a surge of sexual urgency pushed into his mind. Keeping his eyes over the side, he responded to her outrageous comment. “Stop it, Shani. I just want to be sure you’re in safe hands.”

  “I know I’ll always be when I’m in yours.”

  With that, she stood and moved back to wait for her turn.

  Rodney shifted his position. Fuck. He’d be harnessed and suspended as he rappelled…with a hard on.

  Everyone safe at the bottom, they started the trek up the other side that was significantly less steep. Most of the ascent could be hiked with only a few places that required climbing. Finally, they hit the top of the ridge to rest and rehydrate while Ife and Talib did another mind-link.

  “We have another two hours if there are no other landscape issues. It’s almost perfectly due north from here.” Ife looked up at Rodney. “Do you know what lies ahead?”

  “The map isn’t specific through this part of the terrain. The ridge only showed because it was significant.”

  “So we’ll learn it as we go.” Ife paused. “We have to get to the children.”

  “We will. I promise we’ll bring them home. But I think it will not be tonight. Darkness already threatens.”

  Dhole stepped forward and bowed. “My son is with them. While we rest tonight, we will change into our spirit animals and scout the path ahead.”

  Rodney nodded. “Okay. Let’s finish here and knock out as much distance as we can until we need to set up camp.”


  “Thanks for joining us, Mr. Hollinger.” Sally had found Jackson’s uncle charming. “And we appreciate your generosity. Are you sure that we can’t stay around a few days longer?”

  She was grateful to him for letting them use his private plane to get to this isolated area, but she wasn’t thrilled that they were being sent home. So she hoped that her own not inconsiderable amount of charm might get them a reprieve.

  Laughing, Isiah reached for a wine glass that held a clear cola. “I’m afraid not, my dear. Any other time, yes, but this is work. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Of course. We’re all professionals here.”

  Dean looked up at her. She smiled and lifted her glass. “You too, Mr. O’Connor. You might not be training to be a scientist, but you are very good at what you do.”

  Without responding, he buried his fork in a mound of spaghetti that Paul had prepared for them.

  “So who’s on your team, Uncle? I haven’t seen any of them since I’ve been here.”

  “They’re quite busy, boy.”

  Everyone noticed the change in Isiah’s attitude. He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. “I don’t think you’re getting that.”

  The rest of the dinner degraded until Isiah stood abruptly with a tight smile. “Please enjoy the rest of the meal. It’s time I get back to work. Enjoy your evening. Paul will be in for you early tomorrow morning, and make the arrangements to get you back to the plane.” His eyes moved to Jackson. “Nephew, I will see you in Spokane, all right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, sure, Unc.” Jackson paused for a moment, then stepped forward to give his uncle an awkward hug.

  Pulling his jacket back down, Isiah gave everyone a curt nod and left.

  Jackson faced his friends. “And I think that you can all see that he’s acting suspicious.”

  “I don’t know, Jax. Maybe he really is just extremely busy. Maybe he wants to get out of this bumfuck jungle and get a decent beer.” Taylor lifted his can of tepid soda. “If I had to stay here much longer, I’d build my own freaking plane to get me somewhere civilized.”

  “Taylor, think for a second, now that you can. This is probably the first time you’ve gone without any alcohol for two days since you were a toddler. Pay attention to how your mind is working now. You’re a fucking genius, ‘bro. I saw your IQ numbers. Don’t you feel sharper?”

  Taylor leaned back in his chair, dangerously far. He traced the edge of the wall that eventually supported his chair back. “Yeah, Jackson, I feel sharper. Thing is, and you just don’t get this, I don’t want to think sharper. I drink purposefully to destroy brain cells. And you’ve reversed all that hard work.”

  Sally sat down in front of him. “Taylor, why in the world do you deny your intelligence? It’s a beautiful thing. Do you know how rare you are?”

  “Rare like finding diamonds in dog shit. Look, let’s just say that there are things in some people’s lives that might not be so nice. There are reasons someone might want to blur the edges a little. Could I find a cure for cancer someday? Maybe. But for now, I can’t be that guy. So I’m going to hurry back to that plane and hope that the pilot has restocked.”

  Dean leaned over to clasp Taylor’s wrist. “I’m with you, buddy. Life isn’t all raindrops and roses for some of us. I’ll buy the first round when we get stateside.”

  “But first,” Jackson interrupted, “We infiltrate that secret room.”

  Sally lifted off her seat and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. After a long swig, she walked up to Jackson. “I think we need to let this go. This is a washout, Jax. You uncle has a right to his privacy. We have to respect that.”

  “No, we don’t. He’s hiding something. Guys, I know him. He’s the biggest hot dog on the planet. If he really had something epic, he’d drag all of us down there right away to show off. He wouldn’t shut up. That’s why I need to know what he’s doing there. O’Connor, I need you to accompany me as lookout.”

  Dean shrugged. “Sure. You’re paying me for security. How do you want to do this?”

  “I would like the girls help. Come on, ladies. Sal, Jess, you aren’t curious?”

  Jessie tilted her head as she readjusted her glasses. “Yes, I think I am. Sally, you’ll come, won’t you?”

  “Might as well. What else do we have to do tonight?”

  “Cool. Only we’re not doing this until everyone else has gone to bed. So, for now, we should get some rest. It’ll give my uncle and his associates the impression that we’re of no concern. Then, we go for the room. Taylor, why don’t you join us?”

  His eyes closed, Taylor was still leaning back. He sighed suddenly and lifted his lids slowly. The eyelids still half closed, he peeked up at Jackson. “I guess. But we’re leaving tomorrow morning, promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  “Then I guess in a few hours, we become spies.”

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ about.”

  “Psst. Hey. Sally, wake up.”

  Sally rolled away from the voice.

  “Sally, we have to go.” After the voice intruded again, a hand nudged her arm.

  That did it. “What?” she groaned.

  “We’re going to hit the secret lab.”

  Oh. Pushing up off the cot, she lost her balance and felt strong hands grab her upper arms. Her eyes shot open. Dean was leaning across her.

  “Whoa, be careful,” he advised. “These cots are pretty unsteady.”

p; Dean O’Connor with his hands on her. Her eyes were level to his chest and he hadn’t put his shirt on yet. She couldn’t help herself, she slid her hands out and up his sides to caress the hard muscles and smooth skin. His eyes widened.

  “Oh, sorry. Um, you’re right, I couldn’t gain my balance in this tippy thing. Thanks, Dean.” And a slow slide down his chest until her hands moved off him. Sally decided that regardless of what the rest of this trip brought, it was worth it just for that. For a second, she considered apologizing for the blatant touches, but then decided not to. Hey, he was the one on her cot without a shirt. If a lollipop looked good enough, a woman was going to lick it!

  Instead she said, “I’ll be ready in ten.”

  As she pulled her jeans underneath her long night shirt, she saw Jackson packing his things into his bag.

  “Do we know how we’re going to gain access? Didn’t you mention armed guards?”

  “Yes I did. Sally, you’re going to roll your eyes at this, but I’ve decided on a movie classic. We get a pretty girl to distract them.”

  “What pretty girl?” Sally and Jessie commented simultaneously.

  “Well now…you’re both cute, but Sal, you got the blonde thing, and dare I say, the big breasts, going for you. It’s hard for a man to look away from a package like that.”

  Sally’s eyes went to Dean. Really? She had a package? Did he notice?

  “That statement is beyond sexist, crude, and absolute shit. But thank you. No one has ever accused me of being a sexual stimulant. Okay, I’ll work my inner Marilyn Monroe, if I can find her.” Her hands went to her breasts, which she’d always thought were too large. “Should I take off my bra?”