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Daydream Believer Page 13

  “Olivia.” Dez tried to take the water bottle, but Olivia put a hand up and pushed hers away, a sharp snap of crackling electricity shot up both of their arms from where they touched.

  “What the hell?” Dez whispered. The sparks were just like the first snap when she’d tried to help Olivia remove the amulet.

  Drawing a deep breath, Olivia captured Dez’s hand and intertwined her fingers, the live sparks coursed along their hands until Olivia closed her eyes and it stopped. Even so, she did not release Dez, and when Dez tried to pull loose, she was surprised to find that she couldn’t.

  “Olivia, would you let my hand go?”

  Her eyes opening again, Olivia moved her head back and forth on the pillow. “No. I made the magics stop. They were a backfire, a warning that blood struck blood.”

  “I have no idea what that means.”

  Everyone watched as Olivia sighed, her fingers caressing Dez’s. “I don’t know either, except that we are connected somehow. The magics surf in my body now and they recognize you. Dez, who are you?”

  “Just a flaming pain-in-the-ass. Ask Zach.”

  “I am asking you. Out of nowhere, you come into my life, then this bizarre thing happens, something I now know was always destined. I don’t really know what it means, and I don’t know what I am, but I know that I am more than vampire.”

  Olivia pushed herself up and leaned against the wall at the head of the mattress. “What am I?”

  “That is a deep question and will require more time, your complete attention, and a whole lot of booze. For now, let’s just make sure that you recover and get some food. Zip, darling, would you prepare a generous plate for Olivia?”

  “Yes, of course.” He crawled onto the bed and kissed Olivia on the cheek. “I’ve been worried for two days.”

  “I’m sorry, Michael. If I could have assured you that I was okay, I would have.”

  “As long as I know you are, I’m fine. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll help him,” Zach offered, aware the women needed to have a conversation about what had happened.

  When the men disappeared, Olivia turned back to Dez.

  “We are linked, Desiree from Brazil, and I must know how.”

  “Funny, that’s exactly what I need to find out, too. But, as I said, we should wait until you’re fully recovered. I’m given to understand that this, uh, merge, that you experienced is intense.”

  “Intense. It’s such a small word for what I’ve been through.”

  “Olivia, we’ll talk about the amulet and what you’ve gone through. For now, how are you feeling? Are you physically okay? Any headaches? Are you confused? Do you feel strange? Different?”

  Olivia pushed the lightweight blanket covering her aside and slid off the mattress. Standing, she looked around the tiny room, found some unlit candles in the corner, and stared at them. Within seconds, a flame erupted from one, then the next, and a third. Her eyes moved back to Dez’s, her lips spread in a soft smile.

  Dez lifted her arms out to her sides, and blew out the breath she’d been holding. “Okay, that’s certainly different.”

  “In answer to your question, I do still feel a little tired, but, honey, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  “I believe you. Okay, once you’ve eaten, gotten a blood meal, and rested a little more, you and I will have a long conversation.”

  “I cannot wait,” Olivia answered, then looked up as Zip came through the door with two heaping plates, Zach behind him with a couple bottles of wine.

  Sliding back onto the bed, her smile widened. “Yum, that’s what I need. Over here, boys. Join me, please.”

  Dez stood then and took Zach’s hand. “Olivia, we’re going to give you two some space. You need to get a blood meal when you finish eating. Xavier told me that you would be famished after you woke, so just enjoy yourselves.”

  “Famished?” Zach questioned as they moved back up the stairs. “Hungry, or hungry?”

  “Hungry for blood and sex, yes. Everything in the body is in overdrive and from what I just saw, Xavier was right. She’s different. I need to call Tamesine.”

  “All right, I agree, but why don’t we get our dinner, too. Then I’ll take Zip off to the meeting room in the village and you can have that discussion.”

  “It’s a good plan, Zach, yeah, thanks.”

  Nearly an hour passed before Zip came back upstairs, smiling, and looked a little dazed.

  “You okay, buddy?” Zach asked.

  Without speaking, Zip wandered over to a half full bottle of Scotch, nodded to Zach, glanced at Dez, grinned wider, and chugged several shots worth.

  “I am going to assume that you are very okay.” Zach walked over and took the bottle from his friend. “Let’s take a walk.”

  Zip nodded and followed Zach to a little alcove where they stored their outdoor gear. He finally spoke as he sat down to pull on his boots. “Whatever happened to Olivia, it changed her, like, a lot! I mean, literally, Zach, it was like we shot into space. What we did, that wasn’t ordinary sex.”

  “It wouldn’t be. I have a little experience with how supercharged first bloods are. You can give me any details you want to later. Right now, Dez needs to talk with your girl.”

  “She isn’t my girl. I knew that as soon as we touched tonight. There’s something magnificent about her, more so than before, I could see it when we made love. There’s a special future for that woman and I’m not part of it. I get it, I’m fine with it, but man, I don’t know how any woman is ever going to compare to her.”

  “Life isn’t about comparisons, Zip, you know that. Hell, you taught me that! Let’s go.”

  Dez watched the two men push out of the cabin, the wind pushing back, but the door finally closed and latched, leaving her alone in the room with a recently stoked fire and the rest of the bottle of Scotch.

  After she poured the remainder of the whisky into an appropriate glass, she sat on the wood floor warmed by its proximity to the fire, leaned back, her feet stretched toward the heat, and closed her eyes. Life has gotten so complicated.

  “It really has. Can I have a sip?”

  Dez handed the glass up to Olivia as she opened her eyes again. “Feeling…better?”

  With a soft laugh, Olivia dropped onto the floor opposite Dez. “You know that I am, our connection is strengthening even as we speak. I have discovered a lot of things from my spirit merge over the last few days, but most of all, I know that I still have a lot to learn. Why are we so connected, Dez? You owe me an explanation. The necklace…um, amulet, was in your luggage. Did you bring it for me?”

  Shaking her head, Dez laid it back on the seat of the chair she leaned against. On a sigh, her gaze straight up at the interesting patterned wood ceiling of the cabin, she answered Olivia’s question. “No. I brought it for me.”

  “For you? Then how did I end up going through whatever the hell it is that I did?”

  “Because, my dear, you put it on. And it isn’t supposed to be capable of bonding with anyone but me.”

  “Obviously that wasn’t true.”

  “No, I’ve been assured by people who really know, that the only explanation for this is that you are related to my recently found mother. Or her through me. So, Olivia, the real question here, if you want answers, is who are you?”

  “Now you just sound crazy.”

  Dez brought her eyes back to Olivia’s, and started to laugh, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. As she wiped away the moisture, she regained control.

  “Sweetheart, you have no idea. It’s family history. Anyway, let’s begin the dialogue. First, though, I need another bottle of Scotch. I think I saw one in that cabinet. Get comfortable.”

  Abruptly, the door to the cabin shot open, and three fur-covered figures hurried in along with the whistling wind.

  “Fuck me, what am I doing here?” Xavier said brusquely, his face behind a layer of fur again. He peeled it off and noticed Olivia sitting by the fire.

; “Ah, the new first blood. Hello, beautiful,” he purred. “By way of introduction, I am Xavier, and the instructor who will guide you into your new life.”

  Olivia stared at the big man. He was perhaps the most masculine creature she’d ever seen. Testosterone dripped from him, his body and face big, his teeth perfect, his eyes what she’d often called “bedroom eyes” because his gaze made her want to pull him down like a crocodile does its prey.

  Nikolai hurried over to her, still in his winter gear, and squatted over her. “Livie, are you all right?”

  “I am, my friend. Better than ever, and I mean that literally.”

  “Chudo! I prayed for a miracle and here you are, well, and more beautiful than ever! We must celebrate!”

  Dez shook her head. “Nope, not here. I need to speak with Olivia. Zach and Zip have gone to the village, why don’t you guys join them?”

  “Will there be women there?”

  Dez noticed Sarah walk away from Xavier after he asked the question.

  “Yes, you pig, there will be women there. But these are nice people, so you behave. Nikolai, go with him and make sure that he’s polite.”

  “Ye have me all wrong, lassie.”

  Dez walked back to the fire to take her place near Olivia again. “Yeah, uh, I don’t think so.”

  “Would you mind if I stay?” Sarah asked.

  Olivia answered. “Not at all. Please.”

  Dez looked sharply at Olivia.

  “What? She’s not a problem, is she?”

  “Desiree, I have been blood-bonded to a first blood for nearly a hundred years. You can speak in front of me, safely, or I’ll go below. It may interest you to know that I’m incredibly familiar with your race.”

  Xavier wrapped the thick fur scarf back around his neck. “Aye, it’s true. Sarah’s family have been blood-bonds in my household for several generations. She is one of the brightest and most reliable humans I’ve ever known. Plus, she’s just finished schoolin’ and is now a fully accredited physician. I’ve very proud of my Sarah. Ya couldn’t have a finer woman help ya with yer questions.”

  With a sweeping gesture, Dez motioned for Sarah to stay. “It appears that you’ll be staying. Grab a glass, we’re getting soaked. Boys, join Zip and Zach please.”

  Xavier slid gloves over his big hands and patted Nikolai on the back. “Let’s go, lad. We’ve a lot of catchin’ up to do.”

  Once the door was closed again, the fire had its job cut out for it re-warming the small space. Sarah, now free of all her heavy outdoor clothes, walked over and rebuilt the fire. “This is a chilly place,” she said, her eyes sparkling, well aware of her understatement.

  Dez laughed. “I’m from South America. Imagine my shock. I haven’t been someplace with sub-freezing temperatures in a very long time. It’s quite beautiful here, I’ll admit that, but it reminds me of the reason I chose South America to begin with.”

  Reaching for a heavy blanket, Sarah dropped onto the floor next to Sarah and Dez. “What are we wrestling with tonight?”

  Before she answered, Dez tucked a handful of chocolate candies into her mouth. “Heritage. History. The story here, briefly, is that I recently discovered who my mother is, and it turns out, she’s first blood. She gave me a spirit amulet, which she said that she prepared for me, and that it would recognize only me. But, just messing around, Olivia put it on, and it has now bonded with her. My mother claims that the amulet would only bond with someone from her bloodline because it was forged with the magics of the earth and that of her own blood. She insists that there is no way that Olivia is her blood kin…not through her anyway.”

  “Then it must be through you. Desiree, your mother is right. A spirit amulet will only choose a blood match. It cannot do anything different. I’ve studied this for decades, it’s kind of the private thesis for my work. Earth and vampire blood comprise the magic that dwells within the amulet. It’s incontrovertible…somehow, you are blood.”

  “No. If Tamesine hasn’t borne another child, and I have no children, how is that possible?”

  “Dez, you’ve never been pregnant? Even before you became vampire?”

  “Once. Yes, before. The child was male and it came too early. The baby was stillborn. Shortly afterward, I became vampire and obviously, could not conceive and I never did. Sarah, that’s my entire history, so this mystery remains.” Dez looked at Olivia, quietly sipping some wine now, and watching the exchange between Sarah and Dez.

  “She has to be Tamesine’s. The woman was fucking crazy for hundreds of years, she probably doesn’t even remember she bore her. She forgot about me.”

  “We’ll discover the answer. I think we need to go to Tamesine or bring her here.”

  “I asked her to come, but she says there’s some kind of emergency at their villa. You think she can resolve this mystery?”

  “I do. I’ve never met her, but Xavier has told me a little about her. She’s extremely powerful. I believe that she can take you both into the spirit realm and trace the link.”

  “Sarah, Xavier was right. You’re illuminating. Olivia, you haven’t anything to say?”

  “No, I’m hungry. Then, there’s the fact that you’re discussing me and I quite like that topic. And I don’t have any answers. All I know is that I’m feeling stronger and more amazing than I ever have before. Sarah…” Olivia turned to the pretty human. “Exactly what does this mean for me?”

  Sarah glanced towards Dez.

  Dez shook her head. “Don’t look at me. Go ahead. Honestly, you probably do know more than I about the original vampires. Obviously, you’ve known about their existence a lot more years than I have.”

  “All right.” Sarah leaned back, pulled the blanket up closer, and sighed with pleasure. “I do love warmth in a cold place. I don’t get to experience those extremes in the mansion. Anyway, Olivia, you know that first bloods are born, don’t you?”

  Olivia nodded.

  “Those born vampire are more powerful than those made from the blood of a vampire, are stronger, faster, bigger. Most have special talents or abilities well beyond that of a normal vampire.”

  “Mind reading. It’s a first blood thing.” Dez was getting drunk, and snorted on a harsh laugh. “Apparently.”

  “Apparently. So the fact that we both have that ability means that we are first bloods?” Olivia asked Sarah, her eyes on Dez.

  “Likely. Mostly, we know that you are because that amulet was made from a first blood vampire, and it recognized you as part of her bloodline. Olivia, you have always been born vampire, you understand. We’ve just found out, of course, but that amulet did not make you a first blood, it just identified you as one. It’s a truly incredible thing.”

  “Great.” Olivia held her wine glass up to Dez. “Hey, mum, sister, aunt, cuz, whatever you are.”

  Dez laughed again. “If you’re my kid, I’m taking you over my knee for playing with my jewelry.”

  “Olivia, Dez, may I ask you, how did you get changed to vampire? Since you didn’t need a blood conversion, I’m curious.”

  Olivia answered first.

  “I was probably in my mid-30’s, scrapping through as best I could on the streets of London. One night, I felt odd, faint, couldn’t sleep, then I passed out. I don’t know why I did, but when I finally woke that next morning, I felt horrible. I took care of a house for a wealthy elderly woman and I was late for my job. The streets were muddy and exasperating, my dress got filthy, and I only had one good dress, I remember being so pissed. That morning is etched in my mind. Anyway, as I approached the back entrance of the house, the sun had risen, and it burned the shit out of my face. I got inside as fast as I could, but the damage was done. Miz Trevor was kind and helped me put some salve on it, but the burns began to heal extraordinarily quickly. She watched me that day, and when I started to go home for the night, she stopped me and pulled me into her parlor. There, she asked me if I had been out recently with someone who might have done something to me. I looked at her like
she was crazy. That’s when she told me something that changed my life forever. Miz Trevor’d had a lover when she was younger. That lover, Amelia, was a vampire. She told me that she and Amelia had been together for twenty-two years until the vampire proclaimed that she had to move on, that she couldn’t watch her lover grow old. I’d always wondered why Miz Trevor had never married. That’s how I found out that I was vampire. She indoctrinated me, and then led me to a vampire community that taught me all I needed to know.”

  Olivia shrugged. “That’s me, my sad tale.”

  Dez tried to push upright, but it was a struggle. “Ah, fuck me. I think I killed two bottles of Scotch. Your friend is going to shoot me. I need to lie down, ladies.”

  “But your story, Dez…” Olivia protested.

  Dez made it to her feet, unsteadily, but she stayed for a few moments longer. “Easy story. Not an easy human life. I was adopted by a family who threw me out, ended up fucking losers on the bad side of London, got pregnant, baby died, woke up later with teeth marks on my neck, sick and hungry, and finally discovered all that you did from random vampires over the years. And no, Sarah, I don’t remember a true conversion either, but I assumed it was because I was mostly unconscious for it. Gotta go take a piss and go to bed, ladies. Thanks for the convo, Sarah. Olivia, we need to go to France. We’ll discuss it in the morning. ‘Night.”

  As usual, with vampire speed, Dez disappeared.

  Olivia looked at the empty bottle of wine beside her. “I guess I should go, too. Sunrise is in an hour, and I want to get some more rest. But thank you, Sarah, for helping explain things. Sequence of events makes more sense now and honestly, I feel excited about discovering my new vampire nature.”

  “You will love it, chérie.” Sarah was quiet for a few moments, her gaze on the failing fire.

  As Olivia cleaned up some of the bottles and plates so that Nikolai wouldn’t have to do it, and was ready to go on to bed, Sarah spoke again, quietly, her tone intense.

  “Oh, I get it.” Then Sarah stood. “Oh, I know who you are.” Pausing, she focused on Olivia’s face, then whispered, “Of course.”

  Olivia’s eyes, wide, locked on Sarah’s. “What? Who?”