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Daydream Believer Page 15
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Page 15
Their shared talent, though, was indisputable. Rare, even among first bloods, the fact that Olivia had the same ability was significant.
“Sarah’s right, we have to go to France. To Tamesine.”
“I’ll go.” Those simple two words were all that Olivia said as Dez stood, gave her a single nod, and pulled Zach with her.
Down in their room, she dropped onto their mattress, her eyes locked on the ceiling, unfocused.
“You okay?” Zach asked. “So, do you think it’s possible? That you have a son out there?”
A long low sigh came from Dez, but she didn’t move.
“Maybe. I didn’t have access to any kind of medical care. When he was born, an older woman who shared a cubby with me in a small flat held him up. He didn’t seem to be breathing, so she took him away and later told me that he had been born dead. I just figured that he was three months early and not mature enough to survive.” She closed her eyes and tried to remember something that happened hundreds of years ago. “All I remember absolutely was that he’d died before he got a chance to breathe. I was incredibly sorrowful and incredibly relieved.”
Rolling onto her belly, Dez looked up at Zach, leaning against the wall. “I didn’t have a husband, Zach. No job, no future. I knew we’d have a tough time of it. Still, I wanted the baby. Because I’d been thrown out by my family as a young girl, I wanted to take care of the little life that was growing inside me. When he didn’t make it, I thought that it might be the best thing for him. What did I know about raising a child?”
“Don’t say it. I wouldn’t have made a good mother, Zach. If the next few years of my life hadn’t proven that, the remaining hundreds have. I’ve little to offer. You should know. I drove you away, and you’ve spent two years in pain because of me.”
“I knew you’d come around, and look how right I was. Babe, do you have any idea who the father of your son was?”
“Back then, sure. But that was hundreds of years ago, Zach, and the details are long lost.”
“He had to be one of the special ones. A Shoazan.”
“I guess. God, this is so weird.”
Zach finally got onto the mattress and scooted up next to Dez. “It’s a gift, like Xavier said. You have family and you have me. I love the hell out of you, you crazy woman.”
“You better watch that word, love. Don’t forget that my mother was a homicidal maniac for 800 years. Let’s hope it isn’t a family trait.”
“I can handle it.”
“Darling, you have no idea. But okay, we’ll go to France and see how this plays out. First…”
Zach grinned as Dez crawled up his body, her tongue blazing a trail across his chest on its way to his neck for a blood meal. He knew what came next.
“She’s in isolation again, Bas.” Park held her cell phone to her ear, her heart pounding unevenly in her chest. “Baron said that he doesn’t understand it, he double-checked her labs and the virus was definitely absent.”
“Maybe it isn’t the virus.”
“It is. I texted Vaz after we got here to let him know that Bernie was sick. He called me right away to let me know that the first symptoms are hemorrhaging from the nose and mouth. He wasn’t worried about us because he didn’t think that we had any exposure here. He’s hopping on a plane as we speak. Oh, Bas, she’s really sick. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
“We have a lot of options, Park. I’ll call Eillia right now and see if she’s heard back from Ahmose in Zambia.”
“All right. Look, I know that we’ve all been exposed to Bernie, and it’s probably too late, but keep Cairine at the villa, don’t go to Koen’s or let anyone from Koen’s place come here. We need to stay locked-down until we know how this is transmitted and why we had a false negative on Bernie’s test. God help us, my love, but this was supposed to be a wonderful reunion. I’ve missed her so much.”
“I think we might want to just quit living on expectations and accept that our world is changing daily. The laws of physics still apply, but I don’t know how much else does. Park, make sure that you keep your distance from Bernie and the samples.”
“It’s irrelevant now because of my exposure, but I will anyway. Because I was so close to her when she began bleeding, I’m staying here, though. Let me know when you talk to Eillia and I’ll keep you informed on anything that happens here. I love you.”
“Back to you tenfold, my lady. Try to get some rest.”
Ending the call, she pressed against the wall of three inch thick glass as Baron, in full biohazard gear, and two assistants dressed the same, drew blood from Bernie.
They had been able to stop the bleeding, but her temperature had shot to well over one-hundred. She was sweat covered and shivering, going in and out of consciousness, and in obvious pain. Pain medications didn’t help, her body metabolized them and blew through them in minutes.
What broke Park’s heart the most was when Bernie called out to her. The plaintive plea for Park to come to her side almost drove Park into the chamber. Had she not been pregnant, nothing would have stopped her. This was just such a fucking unknown and it scared the shit out of her.
The cell phone chimed again and Park turned away from the glass. “Eillia, did Bas reach you?”
“He did, Park. Are you okay? Would you like me to come be with you?”
“No. There isn’t any reason to take any further risks.”
“I’ve never in over a thousand years seen an illness that could affect a vampire like this. Injuries, sure, but any bacteria or virus is destroyed by the vampire virus that dominates our DNA. I’m sure that Bernie will be fine.”
“Did you reach Ahmose?”
“I did, and he has never known of a virus that could infect a vampire either. This is unprecedented. You are going to need a lot more help, Park.”
“I know. Can you see if Xavier’s team can compel and send me six of the top virologists and medical researchers in or around Paris?”
“Of course. Consider it done. Do you need anything else?”
“Just make sure that the children are safe. Bas is going to keep Cairine at our villa, away from everyone else. She was too close with Burne last night when we spent the evening on the balcony.”
“I will. Promise, though, if you need anything, you’ll call.”
“You know it, Eillia.”
“Good luck, then.”
Park dropped her phone onto the counter and looked heavenward.
Whispering, she sent her prayer on the wind out into the universe.
“We need all the help we can get from you. We protect your guardians, so please help us protect our own. This night, we may need miracles.”
As she pressed the button to engage the intercom, Park caught Baron’s eyes. “Let’s do this, let’s annihilate this virus.”
“I can’t reach Tamesine right now. Let’s just go.”
Zach nodded to Dez. “All right. Everything is packed, so we just need to get to the train station.”
Olivia watched Zip wrestle with several bags as he loaded them into the car. “It’s kind of ridiculous that we allow poor little Zip to struggle with all of that.”
Zach watched Zip for a moment. “Nah, it makes him feel useful. Besides, we’ve all been lying on our asses for several days, he needs the workout. We don’t.”
“I see your point. Zip, darling, don’t forget my satchel downstairs.”
Stopping for a moment, one of the bags partially loaded, he looked at the collection of supernaturally strong people just outside the door of the cabin. His first thought was, Are you fucking kidding me? but then he shrugged. Arrogance came with the territory, he knew that. So he trudged back down the narrow stairs for the last time, picked up a small satchel that was so much heavier than it had a right to be for its size, and shoved it up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, Sarah saw his distress and came over to easily lift the bag
up and set it on the tabletop.
“Let me help, Zip. I’ll take that to the car.”
Amazed, with labored breath, he said, “You’re just human, right? How the hell did you pick that up so easily?”
“Blood-bond, for 92 years. Some things you assimilate.”
“Really? Like what?”
“Strength, obviously. Aging stops, the body is slightly enhanced, you don’t get sick, and some pick up actual magics from their sire. I never have, but it does happen.”
“I want that. What you are, I want to have that with Olivia. How would I do it?”
“You take in tiny amounts of the vampire’s blood daily. It creates a tight blood bond that gives a normal human some features of the vampire, but not conversion, no change. If you stop taking the blood, within days, you lose any benefit you ever had. Even after all these years, if I stopped taking Xavier’s blood, I would be just a normal human. I’d begin to age again.”
“Wow. To stay young and healthy forever, that is just amazing.”
Sarah, a distant sad look in her eyes, turned away. He barely heard her voice when she answered. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you?”
Picking up Olivia’s overstuffed case, she carried it from the room.
The Trans-Siberian Railway moved a lot of people across Russia to China, but when the vampires took one of the private trains, they were the only ones traveling on it. They kept a small crew, but otherwise, the entire length of the train left them plenty of room to spread out.
Olivia tapped Zip on the shoulder and looked at the rest of the group. “We’re going towards the back and we’re going to make a lot of racket, so I suggest you stay clear.”
Zip followed her quickly. “What she said,” he agreed.
Getting onto the train with only a bottle of whisky in his hand, Xavier looked at the group of travelers in the corridor. “All I want is rest. This kind of travelin’ exhausts me. I haven’t had a good fuck or blood meal in days and me mood is shit. Sarah, I’ll stay here in the front car.”
With a brisk nod, Sarah lifted a square satchel and headed down the hall. “Fine. I have the samples I collected and I want to do some research on the history of this region as we travel. If anyone needs me, I’ll be near the front, too. Nikolai, there are plenty of cars, but why don’t you stay near us?”
Nikolai, still shocked that he had been included in this party to travel to France to meet other vampires, nodded.
“Yes, please, Sarah, I think that is wise. I, too, have much work to do.”
“Splendid. How about we join each other in the dining car in two hours?”
“It is a date.” Nikolai hesitated, looked around, chose a compartment at random, slipped inside, and closed the door.
“Okay, that leaves us mid-car for privacy.” Dez led Zach away from Xavier and Sarah.
Xavier watched them go. “She’s a bit of a shock ahead, hasn’t she?”
“I’d say. Your first blood world is intense. Even someone with Dez’s personality will feel overwhelmed.”
“Ah, now, lass, she’s second generation. It will be excitin’ to see what she can do when she’s bound to her spirit amulet and her powers no longer shackled.”
“I guess. Good evening, sir.” Sarah did as Nikolai had, chose a sleeping car, and disappeared.
Xavier sighed, held up the nearly full bottle in his hand as he looked down an empty corridor. “It’s just you and me now, eh?”
“So, you have too many clothes on, young man.”
Dez leaned against the door, all her clothes gone except for a sleek high-cut brief made of shiny satin.
He’d only just entered the compartment, removed his coat, and turned around to see her standing there like the Amazonian princess he had always saw her as in his mind’s eye.
“My lady,” he whispered, for only himself.
The top berth was already pulled down and he lifted her up to sit on the edge.
“Hold onto the straps.”
Two canvas straps held the berth in its position, and she smiled. “Why?”
“Hold. The. Straps.” Zach repeated.
As she reached for them, he slowly pulled the panties down her legs. Now, that exposed area just above eye level, Zach tugged her from the bunk until her legs rested on his shoulders, her hands wrapped around the straps to support her and hold her steady.
He looked up, his eyebrows raised. “I love spelunking.”
He buried his tongue in her, lips and teeth sliding on the inside of her thigh, grazing the erect clit, over and over as he plunged and then pulled out to nip her all along the now soaked slit between her legs.
The click, click, click of the train’s wheels, the gentle motion of the car as it moved smoothly on the tracks, the slight rattle of things moving in the car, all added an exotic element to this most intimate moment.
Zach’s hands caressed all along her buttocks, the fingers playing with her skin as his tongue continued the attack at the core of Dez’s womanhood. He knew exactly how to touch her, how to tongue her, how to tease her until she writhed, then he would stop, the beast, until her legs, still wrapped around his neck, bucked to force his tongue back inside her. Grateful that no one was near, Dez screamed when she came, held securely by Zach’s cupped hands as her legs shot out and she lost hold of the straps.
Surging up, she wrapped her hands around Zach’s neck and he lowered them both onto the single berth below and pulled her close.
Dez moaned and rolled into him. “You’ve been practicing,” she accused.
“Nope. Well, yeah, but that was just because I was inspired.”
“That curly-cue you did with your tongue at the end, oh, God.”
“Again, inspired.”
“My turn,” Dez whispered, and Zach, still dressed, lay naked now beneath her. She slid down, her nipples grazing his belly and thighs as she arrived at his engorged cock.
“Mmmm. Let me try that move. Yeah, inspired,” she agreed, and her tongue shot out to the tip of Zach’s cock. She repeated the elaborate curly-cue movement he’d used inside her. Zach’s only thought was that he, too, needed straps for this ride. Oh, fuck, Dez was a good student.
“Vaz has just arrived. He’s coming straight there,” Bas told Park, his voice too distant from her through a phone call. “How’s she doing?”
“Holding her own, for now. Her breathing seems less erratic. The bleeding has stopped. But Baron isn’t hopeful that the vampire virus is controlling this new virus. Ordinarily, it would just overwhelm the virus and kill it. But that isn’t happening to Bernie’s blood or DNA samples. The virus is fighting against the parent virus in her body. So far, it’s a stalemate, but it isn’t likely to remain so. That isn’t how nature works.”
“You guys will figure this out, I have faith. Do you need anything?”
“Yes, food, please. Can you have one of the security guys bring enough for me, Vaz, and my staff? I’m worried as hell, but I’m starving now too. Just have him leave the boxes at the end of the stairs and I’ll come out and get them after he’s gone. I just wish that I could be in the lab with Baron and work on this directly.”
“No, don’t, Park. We don’t exactly know how this Shoazan protection works, and you admit that this virus is unpredictable.”
“I agree, and I won’t. Our son is my first priority. Everything is still okay at home?”
“Everyone here is doing fine. No sign of any illness at all. I feel normal, Cairine is playing in the living space, the staff all seems good, so don’t worry about us.”
“I won’t be able to help it, but these updates make me feel better. Thanks, baby.”
A loud bang made her look up and she saw Vaz, one of Bas’s oldest friends, and Burne’s lover since the beginning of her vampire life, racing towards her. He stopped several yards away. His pale hair was long, dragged back with a tie, but it hadn’t recently been combed, his eyes wild.
“Park, stay away, I don’t know
if I’m contagious.”
She moved towards him slowly. “Vaz, I’m already exposed. That’s why I’m staying here.”
“But I was exposed at the final stage of the virus. Park, Larson died.”
“Your vampire friend?”
“Yeah.” Vaz’s shoulders dropped, his eyes closed. “This fucking disease can kill vampires. He wasn’t first blood, but it might still be dangerous to you.”
“I think it is. We’ve verified that the virus, while it takes longer, can affect the blood of a first, as well. So Larson’s body couldn’t fight this virus, it’s that virulent. God help us all. You want to see Bernie?”
“More than anything.”
“Okay, why don’t you suit up…”
Vaz cut Park off. A hand lifted, he shook his head.
“No. I’m going straight in. Just get another bed because I’m staying with her and I’m not going to have a damned bio-suit between us. I told you, I’m already exposed. If she’s sick, she needs me, I don’t care beyond that.”
“Vaz,” Park began, but he shook his head again, more vigorously.
“No, just…please, Park, let me in there.”
He was serious, she knew that. She might have done the same if it had been Bas. “Okay. Wait here.”
“Baron, I’m sending in Burne’s friend. He doesn’t want biohazard gear and I’ve agreed with him.”
She watched Baron acknowledge her request and turned back to Vaz. “The room has four beds, so you can just take the one near Bernie. I’m so sorry, Vaz. We’re working to fix this. Eillia is arranging for several of the top virologists in France.”
Without speaking, he tried to smile, but failed, and then went into the decontamination chamber before finally exiting inside the isolation unit.
This was one awful week.
Her stomach rolled again and she felt her son push tight against the wall of the uterus. He didn’t seem to be distressed, but it was unusual for him to place such pressure for such a long time. She rubbed the little feet where they poked against her tummy and the pressure lightened but he didn’t take his feet off her. The worry came again.