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Day Into Night Page 17
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Page 17
Vampires accepted these truths, these losses, or they could never survive the pain of such long lives. Having been fortunate, Olivia had never lost anyone who meant so much to her, and although she was a pragmatic woman, she already knew that this one would take a very long time to move past.
Dez took her hand. “Let’s go home, my child.”
“Okay. But Dez, I’m going home to Vegas. I can’t be here.”
“You’ll stay the day at least?”
“No, Dez, my jet is UV protected so I can fly safely and I really don’t want to be here. Not now. Please understand.”
Dez folded her granddaughter into her arms and held her. They both knew that this kind of hurt stayed and buried itself in the living spirit. She knew that Olivia would be okay, but that would be sometime in the future, not today, and not tomorrow.
“We’ll take you to it, then.”
Zach reached for Brigitte, a hand on her forearm.
“Do you need a lift?”
“No. My sister is coming to be with me here. Right now, I agree with Liv. Go away, lick the wounds, and live to love another day.” Her eyes landed on Dani, in the corner of the cave, a hand in the little pond. “I’m going to see how Dani is doing.”
She turned to Corri, who waited nearby. “Take care of her.” Corri nodded.
Brigitte turned to Olivia and captured her face in her hands. “Liv.” She paused, her smile sweet. “I know he loved you. He was going to tell me that night when I woke, I know he was. I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to find each other and be together. I’ll miss him, every day, so if you need to talk with someone who understands, let me know and I’ll come to you.”
The two women hugged so long, it appeared they didn’t want to let go, and for those moments, Olivia didn’t. When they finally stepped away from each other, she watched Brigitte disappear beyond the light before she took Dez and Corri’s hands.
“I’m through here too. Take me out.”
And like that, climbing from the dark hole in the earth, she left behind her future.
Walking away, she stopped and grabbed Dez’s arm.
“Does anyone have any photos of Will? Anything to remember his face when time and distance make him fade away?”
Zach slid a hand along the top of her head. “I do. We’ve taken a lot of candid shots of him along with everyone else who comes to the club. Don’t worry, Liv, you’ll get them.”
“Thank you. You always think everything is going to be all right, that you’ll have a chance to fix things, and it just isn’t true. No, I have to go home and figure out how to live without him. Right now, the future looks bleak.”
In Las Vegas
Frederick Villioth picked up a leaded vase and hurled it across the room, enraged.
“What the fuck did you say?”
“Um, sir, the plane carrying your hostages and the team that captured them, it, uh, went down. No survivors.”
Shocked, pissed, he gathered his thoughts, calmed down, and turned to his blood-bond.
“Can you give me any more details? Why did the plane crash? Who discovered it? Where are my men? What the fuck happened?”
“I have very little knowledge. We’re, uh, in fact-finding now, but I knew you were waiting for them to arrive, and I thought it prudent to let you know that, uh, they weren’t going to.”
“Wise thinking. Never keep me out of the loop. So tell me what you do know.”
“We monitor the news feeds in any country where we have a presence, but this afternoon, we heard a broadcast announce that a hyperjet went down in the old-growth part of the Amazon. Five bodies were recovered.”
“Five? Five? Your math doesn’t add up. There should have been my extraction team, that’s three, the pilot, that’s four, plus two hostages, a man and a woman. You’ve confirmed it’s mine?”
“Yes, sir. The authorities haven’t been able to identify its origins, and any other, they would, so it’s gotta be yours.”
“Handle it. Make sure nothing can be traced back to me. I imagine Olivia’s vampire community will be investigating the incident if the two on board were as close as I believe they were to them. I sure the fuck don’t want them on my doorstep.”
“I have two vampires on it, sir.”
“Good. It seems you have everything in hand. Fuck! When you find out why the plane went down, I want to know.”
“At once. I’ll go see how things are going.”
The bearer of bad news gone now, Frederick punched a heavily tufted pillow. What could have caused that new plane to crash? The hostages fought back? Maybe, but if that were the case, then he’d hired incompetents to secure them, and Locktite was no incompetent.
“Once again, nothing feels right here.”
Entering the room, Thalasia, dressed in a short white top, shorter pants, and knee high white boots, had been listening to the conversation.
“You have had a lot of trouble trying to get that vampire’s shit. Maybe it’s best to let it go. Some things aren’t meant to be.”
“When I want your opinion, sex doll, I’ll let you know. For now, go see if you can find out anything at Olivia’s new club. Someone on her staff might know what’s going on, and you, my dear gal, blend in there amongst the human trash.”
“Whoa. Trash? What the hell?” Thalasia walked toward the door. “You’re a pig, Frederick Villioth.”
“As long as I get what I want, and, oh, yes, your opinion doesn’t matter at all. Find out what you can and come right back to me. Don’t linger.”
Posed, her nearly exposed ass pointing at Frederick Villioth, Thalasia watched him. He’d used compulsion to make her do what he asked, so, against her will, she sauntered out the door, heading to Serenity Tower to betray people who were a whole hell of a lot better than she was, than the piece of shit she fucked and worked for. It was time to get away from him, but that wasn’t likely to happen. He’d kill her long before he’d let her go, and she had no illusions that he wouldn’t also kill her long before he made her vampire.
Half an hour later, Thalasia was seated in Serenity’s newest club, cozied up, half-drunk, with one of the bouncers, trying to convince him to let her give him a blowjob. Nothing made a man happier to tell everything he knew than when he was under the spell of a good blow.
“So I love your boss. She’s just such a classy lady. She here tonight?”
“No. Had an emergency and took off for South America. Second trip there in the past few weeks.”
“Wow. Somethin’ wrong?”
“I don’t know about that. Corri, she’s the one who’s hands-on here, is really worried about her. She’s really sad right now, and that isn’t typical for her.”
“Aw. Well, hope it isn’t anything too tragic.”
“Me too. Did you want a refill on that?”
Thalasia handed him her glass. “Yeah, I do. Say, Joey, would you like me to, uh, show you how athletic my tongue is?” That would loosen him up.
“I can’t fraternize that closely with the guests, sorry. It’s a nice offer, but if you’d like to visit our guest services in the back of the club, you’ll find everything you need there to leave with great memories.”
Fuck! “Nah, I just like you and thought I could give you a good time. I’m very, very skilled.”
“I’m sure you are, but, I like this job and can’t partake of your kind offer.”
“Kind? You think all this is kind?” Moving her hands up and down her body, Thalasia was ashamed of herself. Joey was a good, hardworking, honest man and here she was trying to force him to risk his job.
Compulsion sucked, but luckily, since he refused her, she couldn’t do anything else to convince him, so she left unsatisfied in her mission, but personally pleased to have failed.
After she returned to the vast warehouse building that Villioth had purchased two years ago, Thalasia entered his private rooms, well aware he would want an update.
“Well?” he barked as soon as she arrived.
“Sorry, but he wasn’t interested. His job would have been on the line and he has scruples and a strong sense of self-preservation.”
“Or you’re losing your appeal.”
Pissed, sick of her life, Thalasia dropped her clothing on the floor, presenting a body she knew was excellent, and walked up to Frederick Villioth, grabbed his cock, which was hardening under her fingers, then moved away from him. “Not.”
“Did you discover anything about Olivia?”
“She’s gone. Personal tragedy. I guess we know what. It appears that you’ve lost your leverage. I’m exhausted, I’m going to bed.”
Gone quickly, Thalasia closed the door behind her, leaving Frederick pissed off, but distracted.
For a moment, he considered Thalasia’s suggestion to forget about this desire to understand the mystery of what these vampires were, but seconds later, he recommitted.
“You are something special, and I will know what it is.”
In Serenity Tower
“You’re sure you don’t want me to stay? I could crawl into bed beside you and we could talk all night.”
“Corri, you’re wonderful, thank you, but I just need to sleep. Daylight is a few hours yet, but I’m drained.”
Corri pushed Olivia’s hair back and held her face.
“If you need me, no matter when, call me. You do look tired, but after what you’ve been through, I’d be surprised if you didn’t. You’re sure you’re okay?”
“I will be. I’m going to have some bad times, but I have you to help me get through it. Getting back to work will help, but I think I need a few more days to get my head on straight.”
Olivia paused, her eyes closed. “I already miss him so much, when I think about him, I can’t breathe.”
“Oh, honey.” Corri held her friend for long moments before Olivia gently pushed her back.
“Go see your mate. I’m going to swallow a gallon of whisky and fall into my bed. Don’t let anyone disturb me until I let you know. Honestly, I just want to be alone for a while.”
“I understand. Just, please, let me know if you need me anytime, okay? Promise.”
“I promise. Now, scoot, go see Vaz.”
Corri hesitated a moment longer, and when she finally left, Olivia turned to her AI.
“No messages, no visitors, no interruptions until I let you know.”
Affirmative, the AI said in the soft feminine voice Olivia preferred.
Her stomach rolled again, and she placed her hands over the offensive area for the twentieth time in the past few days. What the hell was wrong with her? This wasn’t typical. It must be the stress and loss tearing her apart, physically as well as emotionally.
Almost by muscle memory, she moved into the galley and stopped in front of the FP.
“Chamomile tea, fifty percent whisky.”
Twenty seconds later, the big mug in her hands, Olivia headed into her bedroom.
“Close up for sleep.”
The AI activated the UV shields, lowered the lights for rest, and secured the doors.
Crawling into her bed, Olivia set the mug on the nightstand, and looked around the room. Her life was so much more beautiful than it had been before she met her true family a century ago. This tower she’d named Serenity, because it was that to her, held friends and family, a business of clubs and restaurants that she loved, and this home, this entire floor of the tower, always peaceful, always safe, always home.
She would never get to share it with Will, and that made it hurt for now. Closing her eyes, she imagined him in her bed, laughing at some silliness, naked, hovering over her, his hair hanging loose, the beautiful body coming down on top of her; his eyes, serious, in love, as he entered her, pushed deep, where he belonged, filled her in every way. When he moved, she lifted up to force him deeper…
The vision was vivid, seemed so real, that lying alone now, she lifted her body up to him, lifted her core to receive him...except…
He was not there, he would never be there.
Hands on her belly again, she traced circles around it, and cried. Sleep wrapped around her, consciousness sliding away, as Olivia entered the world of dreams.
Would he be here, she wondered, as she walked along a beach lit by early morning sun. No, she didn’t see him, and more than that, she didn’t sense him.
Pushing her toes into the wet sand, Olivia turned to watch the sun move up the bright blue sky pushing away the rose and orange-tones, breathtaking, the lost pleasure of a sunrise. The spirit world gave truth and hope, often needed by first bloods, and she did, but Will wasn’t here, so why was she?
A voice interrupted her thoughts.
Because you need to know about me.
Not words, but she understood the meaning.
Olivia lifted her dream-self up from the beach and turned in place, searching around her. “Who are you?”
I will call you mother.
Olivia couldn’t move at first as the words that were not spoken and yet heard, the meaning of the words, came to her. I will call you mother.
Warmth like a hot light filled her belly as her hands curved over the place where she hoped, prayed, that what she thought was true. A child in her…Will’s child in her.
True, yes, she could feel it now, the baby; present, new, reaching for the mother it would know someday soon. A fatherless child who would be cherished beyond measure by a grateful and loving mother.
Of course! It had to be; that first time she’d walked into the spirit world to see if Will was who she sought, she’d known that he was Shoazan, capable of bringing life. The idea had spooked her, not ready at that moment to even consider a lifelong mate, let alone a child.
“Oh, precious, precious baby,” Olivia whispered, and understood now why she’d had that odd predilection for the past few days to keep her hands on her belly. Will’s baby had been there since that night in the cave, and now, even though he was gone, she carried part of him with her.
“Will, look what we’ve done.”
It would be okay because she had a child to raise, to introduce to this world she loved so much, to teach to love it as well.
“Yes, little one, I needed to know about you. Thank you.”
Her world would change once again, only this time, a life would come to make hers complete.
“The open window…”
Olivia felt the spirit world fade and finally succumbed to grateful sleep.
One month later…
“Get him!”
“Are you kidding? That puppy moves faster than a vampire, for heaven’s sake! Just let him go, Cor, he’ll be back. Where’s he gonna go anyway?”
“I just don’t want him loose on this floor. You know, just in case.”
“You worry too much.”
“Says the pregnant woman who changed every element of what we eat and drink, even though vampires don’t have any problem with the junk food group.”
“I’ve just been reading a lot of books.”
“Aarrgh! Human books! Liv, take it from one with a medical degree, or nearly, what we are, nothing you do will harm him.”
“I know. For some reason, it feels like something that I have control over. Maybe I’ve gone overboard.”
“Then we can have the ice cream back?”
Olivia grinned. “Of course you can. I was actually kidding about that. I just wanted to see how long it would take before one of you broke, and I kind of like seeing how clever Vaz is at sneaking things in. I know about your morning sugar orgies.”
“Oh, we do creative things with that sugar.”
“Oh, can I watch? I get so bored with vids.”
“And, no. I’m just going to check on Geraldo.”
“If you must. And while you’re at it, rename him.”
“I can’t. Vaz really likes that old man in the park. He thinks he’s brilliant.”
“He’s a vagrant. By choice. He’s been out there since I opened the to
“Vaz invited him to dinner. He wants him to meet his namesake.”
“Well, enjoy. I’ve plans for tonight.”
Corri moved close and laid a hand on Olivia’s rounding belly. “He’s getting so big so soon.”
“First bloods come in six months, remember?”
Corri stared at Olivia’s belly, her hand gently moving over the small mound. “I envy you. I would love to have Vaz’s child.”
“I can’t describe what it feels like to have part of Will growing inside me. Especially since he’s gone, it’s the greatest gift in the universe. Like nothing could ever possibly be this good again. Meeting this little boy will be the one moment in my life that makes everything worth it. Even losing Will, that this boy will be here, will make it worth the pain. I still dream of that man, I don’t think that will ever change, but when I wake, and this child is here waiting for me, how could I ever feel sorrow. You would have made an incredible mum. Which, by the way, you kind of will be anyway. Who do you think is going to be nanny?”
“As if you could keep me away.” Corri glanced down the corridor. “He’s gone. I guess I’d better try to find Geraldo before he finds the elevator.”
“I’ll see you on the fifth.”
“Good. We’ve finished the remodel, I just want you to approve the final details.”
“I’ll be there.”
Once Corri was gone, Olivia headed into the galley.
Looking at the FP unit, she wanted to order an organic green tea with honey, but instead, placing a forgiving hand over her belly, she spoke. “Chocolate milkshake, thick, with five inches of whipped cream.”
Corri was right. Vampires didn’t have to worry about healthy food choices, and right now, even the baby seemed to approve.
He was growing quickly, her connection to him stronger each day. Cherise had offered to come from Iceland to help establish the connection but it hadn’t been necessary.
“Ah,” she’d commented, her French accent still intact even after all these years. “You are fourth generation and this child is fifth. The power curve remains stronger in each generation, and you no longer need a conduit to touch each other through spirit. I cannot wait to meet this boy.”